Kids of the Kingdom

Who We Are
Children of God who fall between the ages of 2-11 who are looking for fun activities in an environment that grows their faith. We bring this group together through out the year for age appropriate activities and lessons. They create a bond with others in the church and each other that will provide a biblical foundation as they transition into teens.

What We Do
What don't we do? This age group loves to have fun and enjoys each others company. We will do things such as sledding, movie nights, game night, pool parties, and so much more. God is good and has provided us with so many wholesome activities where our kids can grow their faith while having fun. We are constantly looking for new ways to enjoy what God has given us while building the faith of our kids.

Come Join Us
As much as we would love to share the full extent of the fun you can have with us through a website, there is nothing like being part of this family. Please see our calendar for details on upcoming events and check out some of the photos below to give you a sneak peak into what you can expect.
A note to Parents of those with special needs...
My name is Tyler Lingenhag and I am a leader for our youth ministry at the Mason Street Church of Christ. Our church is relatively small so we do not have a dedicated special needs ministry. However, I have a daughter who is on the spectrum and as such we do everything we can to meet the needs of our kids where they are at. My wife and I are part of the Autism Society of the Fox Valley, attend the statewide conference every year and participate in a parent support group through out the year. We fully admit we do not have all the answers, but are consistently looking for ways that we can meet the needs of our kids. We would love to have you join us for Children's Church on Sundays or one of our Kids of the Kingdom events through out the year. If you have a child with special needs I would love to hear what we can do to help support them participate in our events. The kids we have at our church are full of love and very welcoming to visitors. They would love the opportunity to meet new kids and grow our group. In Psalms 139:14 it says, "I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made." We know each of our kids was fearfully and wonderfully made by the creator of the universe and as such has a special place in our group and our community.